born June 3th, 2009, BRI n 21 33


                                        Alfons was born as the last one, but not the small one kitty. His weight was clear proof of his todays strength! Cori was very dedicated and caring mum and Alf was great eater since his birth. Later he found out there is not only mumīs milk but also many new tastes and foods and it was more than clear he will follow his "eating habbits". Alf is our Mr. Tomcat, our sweetheart too, goodie and he looks like he ran away from toyshop window. With his brothers they are the big three and when they play paper chase we need to chatch out!
Their daily schedule is following: after waking up it is neccessary to run around like dragons, stomp like a horses, than bite our "nanny" to her toes - we want our breakfast! - to overeat your tummy and than fall asleep. The best way how to fall asleep is to touch your sibling with furr, any part of body, to clamp your sibling with both paws. After waking up day schedule continues in the same way. As a toy is applicable everything what is on the floor, if it is not on the floor and you want to play with it, you have to throw it on the floor. Very applicable are: bath towels, table-covers, especially fresh daily news .......                 

                                        How does sweet kitten Alfons became Mr. Tomcat :  

Alfons one week old


Alfons two weeks old


Alfons in fourth week


Alfons has two months

