Born 7.5.2008 BRI ns 11 Blood-group A
Espe is silver shaded british cat, here at Slovakia and in neighbourhood very rare, so I needed to travel for her to Germany - almost to the Netherland´s border. Mrs. Angelika Niesel breeds cats for more than 25 years and from her cattery came many cat champions. Her silver shaded tomcat EC Jadwiga´s Valentino became my idol when I saw him for the very first time at the Mrs. Niesel´s web site. I never ever thought I can have his kitten! Valentino was after the birth of Espe and her siblings castrated, so this kitty is one of his last children – thank you very much Mrs. Angelika! Espe is our sun, tender and gentle darling. She looks like an angel, but she is very temperament and wild, however, very non-conflict and familiar. She is very cool and has the greatest apetit from all our pets and when you snuggle with her, she is purring like a little tractor! Silver british cats are fascinating not only by their appearing, but also by their character. Also Espe is darling you can not resist to!
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